Warning: mysql_connect(): No such file or directory in /home/hkbeautyco/domains/ibeauty.com.hk/public_html/config/config.php on line 60

Warning: mysql_select_db() expects parameter 2 to be resource, boolean given in /home/hkbeautyco/domains/ibeauty.com.hk/public_html/config/config.php on line 61

Warning: mysql_query(): No such file or directory in /home/hkbeautyco/domains/ibeauty.com.hk/public_html/zh-hk/loader/init.php on line 103

Warning: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in /home/hkbeautyco/domains/ibeauty.com.hk/public_html/zh-hk/loader/init.php on line 103

Warning: mysql_query(): No such file or directory in /home/hkbeautyco/domains/ibeauty.com.hk/public_html/zh-hk/company-hkb-inner/lightbox.php on line 24

Warning: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in /home/hkbeautyco/domains/ibeauty.com.hk/public_html/zh-hk/company-hkb-inner/lightbox.php on line 24
select * from tbl_content_photo where active = 1 and deleted = 0 and id = 39399

Warning: mysql_query(): No such file or directory in /home/hkbeautyco/domains/ibeauty.com.hk/public_html/zh-hk/company-hkb/mini-lib.php on line 121

Warning: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in /home/hkbeautyco/domains/ibeauty.com.hk/public_html/zh-hk/company-hkb/mini-lib.php on line 121

SQL => select c.*, m.active from tbl_content c left join tbl_member m on m.id = c.member_id where c.active=1 and c.deleted=0 and c.cat_id = 69 and c.cat_id <> 57 and ( m.active = 1 or m.active is NULL ) and ( c.photo_1 <> '' or c.related_article_id > 0 ) and c.fixed_position_home = 0 and c.name_2 like '%BM%' and c.post_date <= '2024-09-08' order by c.magazine_number desc, c.name_2 desc limit 1